domingo, 10 de junio de 2012

Conflicting Mind

Contradiction exists when there is comparison. Comparison, not only with something, somebody, some event but even with yourself of yesterdays or with what you feel you should be.

When there is contradiction, conflict will inevitably arise. Any conflict will result in a dissipation of energy in the form of anger, jealousy, hatred, inferiority feeling; leaving you drained with negative effects. As long as there is a division between ‘what is’ and ‘what should be’, there is conflict.

Only when there is no comparison, no contradiction, no conflict, one can then live with ‘what is’ thus be peaceful. ‘What is’ is not only about beauty, calmness and happiness, ‘What is’ also includes ugliness, violence, brutality, fear, anxiety, loneliness.

Our real meaning of life is to learn to live with full attention to ‘What is’ completely with no distraction.

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